We all live and work in systems, like families,
schools and organizations. Every system has its specific culture and is
ruled by certain laws. If these laws are not respected it may lead to
dysfunctions and problems.
If you experience heaviness , confusion or excessive stress in the work
area, a constellation can be a very "enlightening" tool to help you
look at the situation from a systemic perspective. If you work in an
organization you might have an issue about leadership, conflict
resolution, team management, change management, clarifications of roles
and functions, development of strategies and policies.
If you work on your own a constellation can help you in the case of
decision making, personal development, change of values, lack of
creativity, generating alternatives and options. In work- related
constellations use can be made of representatives for your colleagues,
boss, clients , suppliers, consultants or even different parts of your
personality, for example your creativity, trust, anxiety, intuition and
so on .
Systemic Constellation is spreading around the world for several
reasons: it focuses on solutions and not on problems and in a short
time it shows clearly the hidden dynamics in complex or simple